Page 5 of 5 4.6 Further Action Required  Once the Residual Risk Factor has been established there may still be further actions or controls that need to be put in place. This may still mean the elimination or substitution of a process/substance etc., or there may simply be a need for the introduction of safe systems of working or a requirement for the provision of additional training, instruction or information for employees.  What is important is that, when any actions/comments are identified, there must be responsibility for carrying these actions out given to an individual or group of individuals. This is important as ownership has to be taken for different parts of the risk assessment process and where individuals have been given specific responsibilities they should be informed of what is expected of them and by when. Setting a date for implementing any remedial actions is also vitally important and should be a realistic target of when things can be achieved. 4.7 Record your findings – significant risks  The significant findings of the assessment must be recorded. This means writing down the more significant hazards and recording the most important conclusions.  Employees must also be informed regarding the findings. 4.8 Risk Assessment – good practice and responsibilities In order for risk assessment to be an effective process there are some areas of good practice that should be included in the process. These are:  Undertake risk assessment as a group activity.  Always involve those at risk and those in control.  Should be based on principles of ALARP (as low as is reasonably practicable).  Should be an ongoing process of continuous improvement /risk reduction.  Reviews should be undertaken when: - Two years have elapsed with no incident. - An incident/accident or near miss occurs. - There is a change in process, or method. - There are new personnel involved in the task. - There is a change in location or office. This highlights the importance of the risk assessment being a live document. It is not simply a piece of paper that is completed once and then sits in a file. 4.9 Responsibility It is the responsibility of line managers to ensure that the risk assessments required by the aforementioned regulations are carried out within their area of responsibility and for their employees and to ensure that completed risk assessments are uploaded onto the relevant risk assessment screen on the HR System. The findings should then be documented and the line manager should take the necessary action to control the risk in question in an appropriate timescale depending on whether the risk is low, medium or high or very high. If the action required is outside the remit of his/her authority then the matter must be referred upwards.